Consultation outcome

Setting the Personal Injury Discount Rate - Government Actuary's advice to the Lord Chancellor

This consultation has concluded

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Setting the Personal Injury Discount Rate - Government Actuary's advice to the Lord Chancellor

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Detail of outcome

In formulating his advice, the Government Actuary reviewed the responses from stakeholders as part of the call for evidence, which was issued to gather information relating to matters that may influence the personal injury discount rate.

The report was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Liability Act 2018 and the terms of reference received from the Lord Chancellor.

Original consultation


Advice to the Lord Chancellor to assist his judgement when setting the Rate which determines the lump sum damage awards for personal injury claimants.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Civil Liability Act 2018 describes the way in which the personal injury discount rate is to be set in the future by the Lord Chancellor and sets out the requirement to consult the Government Actuary as part of the first review. This report provides the Government Actuary’s advice together with the information and analysis underlying it.

Published 15 July 2019