
Diabetic eye screening: information leaflets

These publications explain diabetic retinopathy and support the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme.

Printed copies of the Your guide to diabetic eye screening (DES) invitation leaflet are provided free of charge to local screening services.

Orders of this leaflet are limited to a single copy per eligible individual with their first screening invitation when registered with a local screening service.

All the other DES public information leaflets listed here are available as online HTML publications to signpost people to as appropriate.

The 4 standard non-easy read DES leaflets:

  • are also available in plain A4 PDF format to print out for people who cannot access digital information
  • include translated versions in 10 other languages

Standard information (non-easy read)

Easy read information

Updates to this page

Published 30 January 2015
Last updated 16 September 2021 show all updates
  1. Added clarification of eligibility for printed invitation leaflets.

  2. Collection updated to clarify which leaflet can be ordered in printed format by local services and in what circumstances.

  3. Added easy read letter template.

  4. Change of national PHE Screening leaflet print provider.

  5. Added Diabetic eye screening: slit lamp examination.

  6. First published.