Cutting costs for consumers in financial claims
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This response follows the Claims Management Regulation Unit’s consultation on proposals to place restrictions on the level of fees that regulated claims management companies (CMCs) can charge consumers for financial claims. The consultation ran between 15 February 2016 and 11 April 2016.
The paper provides a summary of the responses received on our proposals, our conclusions and next steps in relation to the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views and further evidence in relation to proposals to:
- cap the maximum completion fee to 15% (including VAT) for bulk claims (such as mis-sold payment protection insurance claims) with a single lender and cap the overall charge for claims worth more than £2,000 in total to £300
- introduce a maximum ‘cancellation’ fee of £300 for bulk claims when a consumer cancels their contract with a claims management company after the initial 14 day ‘cooling off’ period
- ban CMCs from receiving or making any financial payment for referring or introducing a consumer to a third party in relation to a PPI or PBA claim
- ban any fees where no relationship is found between a consumer and a lender
- ban all upfront fees for all financial claims, where CMCs ask to be paid before any work is carried out
- cap the maximum completion fee to 25% (including VAT) of the final amount of compensation awarded in all other types of financial case