Independent Restraint Review Panel (IRRP)

The IRRP helps assess the safety of the use of restraint in secure training centres and young offenders institutions.

Role of the group

The Independent Restraint Review Panel (IRRP) was set up in response to Charlie Taylor’s independent review of the use of pain-inducing techniques in the youth secure estate in 2020.

It is responsible for:

  • assessing what it is like to be restrained in the Youth Custody Service (YCS)
  • making recommendations to establishments on how to improve

To do this, the panel review a sample of incidents where serious injuries or warning signs have been identified or where pain-inducing techniques have been applied.

Find out more about the rules and guidance on the use of approved restraint techniques for staff in the Youth Custody Service (YCS).

The IRRP is made up of Youth Custody Service staff and professionals from outside of the organisation who have experience supporting children and young people and managing behaviour.

The chair of the IRRP

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice appoints the chair of the panel for a period of three years.

Colin Allars is currently Chair of the IRRP until 31 December 2025.

Terms of reference

Read the group’s terms of reference.


Read reports published by the IRRP.

Contact details