London Air Quality and Health Programme Office

This multi-agency partnership, hosted by the UK Health Security Agency, seeks to ensure joined-up action on air pollution across the health and care sector.

About the Programme Office

The London Air Quality and Health Programme Office is funded by the London Health and Care Partnership and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

The purpose of the London Air Quality and Health Programme Office is to consolidate and coordinate pan-London joint work on air quality across the health and care system. The Programme Office reports to a multi-agency London Air Quality and Health Delivery Group, which includes representation from:

  • NHS England (NHSE) – London region
  • Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) – London
  • Mayor of London
  • London councils
  • Environment Agency (EA) – London
  • Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) – London
  • London Environment Directors’ Network (LEDNet)
  • Transport for London (TfL)
  • London Air Quality Steering Group

A full terms of reference for the London Air Quality and Health Delivery Group is available on GOV.UK.

Improving air quality in London

In 2020, an inquest into the death of Ella Kissi-Debrah following an asthma attack found that air pollution “made a material contribution” to her death.

The coroner’s report highlighted 3 main areas of concern:

Concern 1

There is no safe level for Particulate Matter and legally binding targets based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines would reduce the number of deaths from air pollution in the UK.

Concern 2

There is low public awareness of the sources of information about national and local pollution levels.

Concern 3

The adverse effects of air pollution on health are not being sufficiently communicated to patients and their carers by medical and nursing professionals.

Concern 1 was addressed to central government departments. The Mayor of London convened a Clean Air and Health Summit in February 2022 to drive collective action to address concern 2 and concern 3.

The Summit was attended by government and health and care system leaders at national, regional, and local levels. It generated multi-agency commitments centred around strengthening awareness of air quality amongst healthcare professionals and the public, as well as ensuring people have access to the information they need to make informed health decisions.

Delegates at the Summit appointed the London Air Quality and Health Programme Office to be the focal point for:

  • tracking and coordinating delivery of the Summit commitments
  • informing and shaping the partnership work programme
  • harnessing and galvanise the momentum generated at the Summit

Vision and priorities

Our vision

Ensure poor air quality is recognised as a determinant of poor health outcomes and a key driver of health inequalities in London, and to drive forward positive collaborations to deliver action.

We will do this by working together as equal partners to:

  • listen to the needs of Londoners and act as an ‘enabler’ and ‘connector’
  • ensure a joined-up approach is being taken to improve air pollution in London
  • raise awareness across the health and care sector, and through place-based partnerships, of the health impacts of poor air quality

Our partnership is underpinned by a recognition that no single organisation alone can effectively address the complexities involved in improving air quality.

Our ambition

Our ambition is for accelerated integrated action on air pollution that improves population health and minimises inequalities – now and in the future.

Our values

We are driven by our values of:

  • collaboration
  • innovation
  • inclusiveness
  • integrity

The Programme Office is also seeking to create and maximise alignment with important pillars of work inherent to Delivering a net zero NHS, linking to the health benefits of active travel and the advantage of reducing personal contribution to emissions and poor air quality.

Information and resources for health professionals

As some of the most trusted messengers in society, health professionals can play a crucial role in protecting people’s health.

Clean Air Hub

Visit Global Action Plan’s Clean Air Hub for information to share with patients throughout the year. It includes training videos and downloadable resources.

Ask About Asthma

Exposure to outdoor air pollution is known to induce asthma symptoms, exacerbations and decreases in lung function. #AskAboutAsthma campaign encourages children and young people, their families, and those involved in their care, to ensure 4 simple and effective measures to help them control their asthma. This includes ensuring every asthma conversation considers the impact of air pollution on children and young people’s asthma.

Air quality alerts email text

This is the text of the email alerts which are sent to GPs and emergency departments during periods of high air pollution in London.

Email text sent to healthcare professionals in GP practices and emergency departments in London the day before an episode of high air pollution

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The Programme Office comprises a group of standing core members from:

  • NHSE – London
  • UKHSA – London
  • OHID – London
  • Mayor of London

The Programme Office is supported by a Programme Office Delivery Manager and Support Officer.

Contact details