Change of British High Commissioner to the Republic of Singapore
Mr Antony Phillipson has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Singapore.

He will succeed Paul Madden who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Phillipson will take up his appointment during April 2011.
Mr Phillipson joined the Civil Service in 1993 and began his career in the Department of Trade and Industry where his posts included Private Secretary and then Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State. After four years in the Embassy in Washington he was the Prime Minister’s Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs and, most recently, Head of the Iran Co-ordination Group in the FCO.
On his appointment as British High Commissioner to the Republic of Singapore, Mr Phillipson said:
“It is a great honour to be appointed High Commissioner to the Republic of Singapore. I look forward to continuing and enhancing the partnership between our countries in pursuit of our shared interests of global prosperity and security. My family and I are thrilled to have the chance to experience the dynamism and excitement of life in Singapore.”
Curriculum vitae
Full name:
Antony John Phillipson
2007-2010 FCO, Iran Co-ordinator, Middle East and North Africa Directorate
2004-2007 No 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister’s Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs
2002-2004 Washington, Counsellor Trade/Transport then Counsellor Global Issues
2000-2002 Washington, First Secretary Trade Policy
1998-2000 Department for Trade and Industry, Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
1996-1998 Department for Trade and Industry, Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
1995-1996 Department for Trade and Industry, Desk Officer, North American Trade Policy Unit
1994-1995 Department for Trade and Industry, Desk Officer, Competition Policy Division
1993-1994 Department for Trade and Industry, Desk Officer, Technology Programmes and Services Division