PHE publishes end of life care profiles for clinical commissioning groups
Over 170 indicators on place and cause of death give a picture of local end of life care needs for each CCG in England.

PHE’s National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) has published end of life care profiles for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for the first time.
The profiles draw together a wide range of information to give an overview of variations in cause and place of death, by age and sex, for each CCG in England.
The profiles will help commissioners and providers of end of life care get a clearer picture of the end of life care needs of their local populations. They will help with the planning and delivery of services and will support drives locally towards improving end of life care. In total, there are 170 indicators, presented in four separate tools, using Office for National Statistics mortality data from 2010 to 2012. Data can be viewed in the following ways:
- interactive map showing a single indicator and enabling comparison with CCGs across England
- spine chart showing multiple indicators for each CCG comparing to the minimum, maximum and average values for England
The profiles are available from the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network website.
You can also access the profiles and over 100 other PHE data and analytical tools through PHE’s data and knowledge gateway.
Also published today:
- Patterns of end of life care in England, 2008-2010: Analysis of the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network local authority profiles by PHE region and centre (report)
- Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination Systems (EPaCCS) in England: Survey of clinical commissioning groups (2013) by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (report)
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