Publication scheme
We publish information like statistical reports, applications to national infrastructure projects, spending data and more.
The Planning Inspectorate’s pages on GOV.UK provide detailed information about the casework that we process as well as some individual case information. It also includes:
You can see applications, and information and documents relevant to individual national infrastructure projects, on the statutory register.
We also publish a advice we give that is not specific to an individual project.
For transparency, we also publish details of:
- our monthly spending over £250
- new contracts of £10,000 or more awarded or tendered since January 2011 on Contracts Finder
- our Information Charter, which explains the guiding principles that we follow when handling personal and other information or providing access to information which we hold
Most of the information we provide in our publication scheme is available free of charge online. If you would like us to send you hard copies of information, we don’t charge to provide a single print-out of a page.You can also see information that is in our scheme and is generated by us free of charge at our offices.
Some publications are priced. However, we don’t charge for booklets that we issue, such as guidance for appellants and interested parties on our casework.