Sir David Reddaway CMG MBE


Sir David Reddaway has been British Ambassador to Turkey since 2009. He was previously Ambassador to Ireland (2006-9); High Commissioner to Canada (2003-6); a Fellow at Harvard University (2002-3); UK Special Representative for Afghanistan (2002); and Charge d’Affaires in Iran - where he had earlier served during the Iranian Revolution – from 1990-3. He has also had postings in Argentina, India and Spain. In the FCO, he was Head of Southern European Department (1997-9), and then Director (Public Services) responsible for the FCO’s media and cultural work, and the global visa and consular operations (1999-2001).

Sir David Reddaway was born in Ottawa. Before joining the FCO, he was a volunteer teacher in Ethiopia. He has an MA in History from Cambridge University (where he also rowed in the University Lightweight Crew), and studied Persian at the School of Oriental and African Studies of London University. He is married to Roshan, with three children, and his interests include Graeco-Roman theatres, castles, Persian carpets and art; and increasingly unimpressive skiing and tennis.