Ruairí O’Connell OBE


Ruairí O’Connell joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2001. He began his career in the Eastern Adriatic Department and has worked on a range of issues during since then, with a particular focus on European security and sustainable economic development.

In London, he served as Head of Unit of the Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative on Climate Change (2008-2010), Head of Strategy and Analysis in the Finance Directorate (2010-2011), Deputy Director of the London 2012 and GREAT Campaigns (2012-2013), Head of the Illegal Wildlife Trade Project (2013-2014) and as Deputy Director and Head of NATO Summit Unit within the Directorate for Defence and International Security (2014-2015).

Overseas he served in Kosovo as Second Secretary Political and late as Deputy Head of Mission to the British Embassy in Kosovo (2004-2008).