
Apply for a licence to produce wine or made-wine (WMW1)

If you intend to produce wine or made-wine for sale, or if you're a commercial grower, you should apply for a licence using form WMW1.

This publication was withdrawn on

This alcohol approvals form has been withdrawn. From 1 February 2025, if you are a new producer of alcoholic products you must apply for an alcoholic products producer approval (APPA)

If you’re already producing alcoholic products, we will migrate your existing alcohol production license or registration to APPA.

For more information, read section 4 of the alcoholic products technical guide.


Apply online (sign in using Government Gateway)

Apply by post

Find out how accessible our forms are


You can either:

  • use the online service
  • fill in the form on-screen, print and post to HMRC

To use the online service, you need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID you can create one when you use the service.

If you use the online service, you’ll get a reference number that you can use to track the progress of your application.

Use form WMW1 to apply for a licence where you’re:

  • intending to produce wine or made-wine for sale
  • a commercial grower wishing to receive wine produced by a licensed producer for you, in duty suspense

Producers: what to include

You must submit a detailed site plan in addition to form WMW1 showing:

  • the position and description of the rooms, vessels, plant or equipment you intend to use to produce wine or made-wine
  • where you’re going to store the wine or made-wine

You can submit your detailed site plan by attaching it to the online form. The plan should be no more than 5MB in PDF or JPEG format.

Or you can submit your application and site plan by post to:

Excise Processing Teams

Commercial growers: what to include

You only have to include a plan of where the wine is to be stored.

Before you start using the postal form

If you’re using the postal form and your browser is an older one, for example, Internet Explorer 8, you’ll need to update it or use a different browser. Find out more about browsers.

You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form so gather all your information together before you start to fill it in.

Find out how accessible our forms are.

Excise Notice 163: wine production
This notice is about the production, storage and accounting of duty on wine and made-wine by commercial wine producers.

Find a version of the form that was used before January 2021.

Updates to this page

Published 27 June 2016
Last updated 31 December 2020 + show all updates
  1. This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.

  2. Form has been updated to advise that applications must be accompanied by a detailed plan of all the premises to be licensed and that a trading name must be provided if different to the name of wine/made-wine producer/commercial grower or lessee and that all directors and partners details must be shown.

  3. The online form service has been updated to include an attachment function.

  4. Postal address on the landing page has updated to reflect changes effective from December 2016.

  5. An online forms service is now available.

  6. First published.

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