Claim compensation for Childcare service issues
Check if you can get compensation if you’ve been unable to access Tax-Free Childcare or free childcare for working parents due to technical issues.
If you’ve experienced technical issues in your childcare account it could have affected either:
- Tax-Free Childcare
- free childcare for working parents
You may be able to claim compensation:
- for Tax-Free Childcare top-up by completing the online form
- for free childcare for working parents by writing to us
Use the online form to claim Tax-Free Childcare top-up compensation
If you’ve paid for childcare without getting your government top up, we’ll refund the payment due if you’ve been unable to:
- complete your application for Tax-Free Childcare
- access your childcare account
We’ll also consider refunding any reasonable costs directly caused by:
- the service not working as it should
- our mistakes
- any unreasonable delay, within our control
Complete this form, then print and post it to HMRC.
Before you start
You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form.
If you’re experiencing technical difficulties you can contact the Childcare service helpline.
Claim free childcare for working parents compensation by post
Check that you applied before the deadline
You may be able to claim compensation if you can prove that you applied or reconfirmed before a term start date. Terms start dates are set by the free childcare for working parents scheme and are:
- 1 September
- 1 January
- 1 April
Find out more about when to apply for free childcare for working parents.
Check if you’re eligible to apply for compensation
To be entitled to compensation you must have paid out for childcare that would have been free.
To claim you must meet certain conditions. You can only claim if you’ve:
- experienced technical issues with the Childcare online service which prevented you from applying or reconfirming
- received your code late due to standard processing times
- successfully appealed a decision
How to claim compensation by post
To claim write to us at:
Childcare Service
HM Revenue and Customs
You must send us your:
- full name
- National Insurance number
- address and postcode
You must also send:
- details of what happened that stopped you getting free childcare for working parents — this includes any proof that shows you applied ahead of the relevant term start date
- proof of any payments you made for childcare, such as copies of bank statements or receipts
You should also include details of the account where you want any compensation to be paid, including the:
- name of the bank or building society
- account holder’s name
- account number
- sort code
- building society roll number (if applicable)
You may get a decision within 28 working days.
What to do after you get compensation
If you’re due compensation, and you get Universal Credit or tax credits, you’ll need to report a change of circumstances, including the amount paid back to you to:
- HMRC for tax credits
- Department for Work and Pensions for Universal Credit
Updates to this page
References to '30 hours free childcare' have been changed to 'free childcare for working parents'.
'Claiming 30 hours free childcare compensation' section has been updated to clarify term dates and conditions for claiming.
Welsh translation added.
'Claiming 30 hours free childcare compensation' section has been updated to clarify term dates and the 'How to claim' section updated if you receive a refund and get Universal Credit or tax credits.
We have added a section telling people how to claim compensation for 30 hours free childcare where a technical issue has caused problems accessing the service.
An updated form to claim Childcare Service 'top-up' refund has been added and a Helpline telephone number.
Removed information about the Nanny Tax service being available soon, as the Nanny Tax service is live.
The page and form have been updated to advise customers that they'll soon be able to pay tax and National Insurance payments for nannies using their childcare account.
The content has been updated to clarify the compensation claim process.
First published.