Ofqual's corporate plan for 2016 to 2019
Our comprehensive programme of work, comprising 3 goals and 7 objectives, to fulfil our statutory duties over the period 2016 to 2019.
Applies to England
Goal 1: Regulating and reforming general qualifications
Objective 1: Regulate for the validity of general qualifications throughout their lifecycle
Objective 2: Oversee the introduction of reformed general qualifications
Objective 3: Evaluate the validity of National Assessments
Goal 2: Regulating vocational and other qualifications
Objective 4: Regulate for the validity of vocational and other qualifications throughout their lifecycle
Objective 5: Promote public confidence in regulated qualifications
Goal 3: Develop our people, resources and systems
Objective 6: Build our capability and develop our people
Objective 7: Use our resources efficiently and effectively