Register for Self Assessment if you are not self-employed
Use form SA1 to register for Self Assessment for any reason other than self-employment.
Who needs to register
How you register for Self Assessment depends on your circumstances. Use form SA1 if you need to register but you’re not self-employed.
For example, if you:
- receive income from land and property in the UK
- have taxable foreign income
- have adjusted net income over £50,000 and you or your partner carry on receiving Child Benefit payments
- have yearly income over £150,000
- receive yearly income from a trust or settlement
- get untaxed income that cannot be collected through your PAYE tax code
- have Capital Gains Tax to pay
Before you start
Get all of your information together before you start. You will fill this form in online and you cannot save your progress.
When you fill in the form, you’ll need to tell us your:
- full name
- postal address (this can be outside of the UK)
- date of birth
- daytime telephone number
- UK National Insurance number, if you have one
You will also need to explain why you need to register for Self Assessment, and the date this started.
Fill in and send the form online
You’ll need to either:
- sign in to use this service, if you do not already have sign in details, you’ll be able to create them
- use your email address to get a confirmation code that you can use to sign in
Fill in, print and post the form
Fill in form SA1.
Print and post it to HMRC, using the postal address shown on the form.
This file may not be suitable if you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader). If you need a more accessible format, email and tell us what format you need. It will help if you tell us what assistive technology you use. Read the accessibility statement for HMRC forms.
After you’ve registered
We’ll usually contact you within 21 days of receiving your form but may take longer during busy periods.
If you registered online, you may be able to get your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) sooner using the HMRC app or your personal tax account.
If we have not contacted you after 3 weeks, you can check when you can expect a reply.