
SFI summary of changes: expanded offer for 2024

Updated 28 August 2024

Applies to England

This is a list of the main changes made to the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions and SFI scheme information since they were published in May 2024.

Changes made to the SFI actions

In August 2024, the following general changes were made to all SFI actions, where relevant:

  • eligible land types are defined in section 5.1 ‘Eligible land types for SFI’ in the SFI scheme information
  • updated link to section 10.3 ‘SSSI consent’ in the SFI scheme information
  • voluntary advice to help you do this action has been published – it is not part of the action’s requirements

Specific changes made to each SFI action are shown below under the relevant action heading.

CSAM1: Assess soil, produce a soil management plan and test soil organic matter

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW4, AHW12, CIGL3, GRH6, BFS6, SCR1 and SCR2 added to SFI 2024 actions

CSAM2: Multi-species winter cover crop

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must avoid growing deep rooted species on land with historic or archaeological features

Link added to section 13.2 ‘What you must do if you cannot comply with your agreement’ in the SFI scheme information

You can use a cover crop paid for under SOH3 to meet this action, but only if you overseed it

CSAM3: Herbal leys

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Minor wording update
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action This action is rotational or static. Wording on new and existing herbal leys has been removed
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘at least’ with ‘as a minimum’ for the seed mix that you must use
5 August 2024 When to do it Wording updated to reflect that this action is rotational or static for new and existing herbal leys
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area OR1 removed from CS options

SOH1: No-till farming

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘broadcasting equipment’ with ‘any following harrow tines must be rearward facing’

You can carry out mole draining to help natural drainage on land that does not contain historic or archaeological features
5 August 2024 Evidence to keep You must keep evidence if it’s been necessary to carry out mole draining
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area CIGL2 added to SFI 2024 actions

IGL2 added to SFI 2023 actions

OR4 and OT4 removed from CS options
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW5 and AHW11 removed from SFI 2024 actions

SOH2: Multi-species spring-sown cover crop

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must avoid growing deep rooted species on land with historic or archaeological features
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area OFA6, OFC4 and OFM5 added to SFI 2024 actions

HS3 and OT4 added to CS options

SOH3: Multi-species summer-sown cover crop

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must avoid growing deep rooted species on land with historic or archaeological features

Reference to using an existing cover crop paid for under SAM2 (multi-species winter cover) which you can use to meet this action if you overseed it replaced by SOH2 (multi-species spring-sown cover crop)
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area OFA6, OFC4 and OFM5 added to SFI 2024 actions

HS3 and OT4 added to CS options
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

SOH4: Winter cover following maize crops

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Leafy vegetation needs to be sufficiently well grown to protect the soil surface during the winter months (usually from early December until late February)

You can graze the cover crop with livestock, but it must still be well-established over the winter months

Once the maize crop has been harvested, you must not apply fertilisers or manures to the winter cover crop during the autumn or winter months

If you’re establishing an early-sown spring crop, you may destroy the winter cover crop before the end of the winter months. You must not do this more than 6 weeks before you establish the early-sown spring crop
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH2 added to SFI 2024 actions

AGF1: Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Clarified wording on ‘less sensitive land’
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 What to do Added link to Capital Grants
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area HEF8 added to SFI 2024 actions

AGF2: Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Clarified wording on ‘less sensitive land’
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 What to do Added link to Capital Grants
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area HEF8 added to SFI 2024 actions

SW6 added to CS options

BND2: Maintain earth banks or stone-faced hedgebanks

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action There can be ‘woody growth’ (instead of ‘hedge growth’) on top of the bank. Added Cornish or Devon hedges as an example

CAHL4: 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’

CIGL3: 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on improved grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 How much you’ll be paid Replaced 6m with 4m
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’

BFS1: 12m to 24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’

BFS2: Buffer in-field ponds on arable land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action The land type needs to be eligible at the start of this action’s duration. If the land type changes because of this action, it will not affect eligibility (for example, allowing scrub to develop)

BFS3: Buffer in-field ponds on improved grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action The land type needs to be eligible at the start of this action’s duration. If the land type changes because of this action, it will not affect eligibility (for example, allowing scrub to develop)
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature

BFS4: Protect in-field trees on arable land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action The land type needs to be eligible at the start of this action’s duration. If the land type changes because of this action, it will not affect eligibility (for example, allowing scrub to develop)
5 August 2024 What to do Updated wording about the tree’s diameter breast height (DBH) and its relationship to area per tree

BFS5: Protect in-field trees on intensive grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 How much you’ll be paid Deleted hectarage calculation as covered under ‘What to do’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Eligible land will typically be receiving at least 100 kilograms (kg) per ha per year of nitrogen. This replaces references to ‘intensive grassland’
5 August 2024 What to do Updated wording about the tree’s diameter breast height (DBH) and its relationship to area per tree

BFS6: 6m to 12m habitat strip next to watercourses

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Scrub is an eligible land type
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area PRF2 removed from SFI 2024 actions

WBD1: Manage ponds

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
15 August 2024 Eligible land The only eligible land type for this action is a pond, that’s registered with a ‘pond’ land cover on your digital maps and declared with WFO3 land use code. All other land types have been removed

WBD4: Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Deleted ‘next to a watercourse’. Added ‘so the soil is covered by vegetation’ for minimal bare ground
5 August 2024 What to do Updated livestock manure application to 100 kilograms (kg) or more of total nitrogen. Updated nitrogen fertiliser to 50kg or more
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental action WB9 (nil fertiliser)

WBD5: Manage intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Replaced ‘intensive grassland’ with ‘managed intensively – this usually means it’s been receiving more than 200 kilograms of nitrogen per ha per year before it’s entered into this action’
5 August 2024 What to do Updated livestock manure application to 100 kilograms (kg) or more of total nitrogen. Updated nitrogen fertiliser to 50kg or more
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental action WB9 (nil fertiliser)

WBD6: Remove livestock from intensive grassland during the autumn and winter (outside SDAs)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Replaced ‘intensive grassland’ with ‘typically receiving at least 100 kilograms (kg) of nitrogen per ha per year’

Added ‘identified by you as being prone to waterlogging, compaction and poaching – you must keep evidence of this’
5 August 2024 Evidence to keep Added that you must keep written evidence that land entered into this action is prone to waterlogging, compaction or poaching

WBD8: Manage grassland to reduce nutrient levels in groundwater

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Replaced ‘intensive grassland’ with ‘managed intensively – this usually means it’s been receiving more than 200 kilograms of nitrogen per ha per year before it’s entered into this action’

Removed conditions relating to recommended fertiliser management system and low intensity farmer
5 August 2024 What to do Deleted ‘well-rotted’ from cattle farmyard manure

WBD9: Nil fertiliser supplement

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 5 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action You cannot do this supplemental action on land that’s entered into SW7 or SW8
5 August 2024 Eligible land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Evidence to keep Added ‘as relevant’ to field operations at a land parcel level and associated invoices
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

OFC1: Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Deleted ‘semi-improved’ and added ‘semi-improved low input permanent grassland’ (which is defined in section 5.1 in the updated SFI scheme information)
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM2 and SPM3

OFC2: Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Updated land type to unimproved ‘low input’ permanent grassland (which is defined in section 5.1 in the updated SFI scheme information)
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM2 and SPM3
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area GRH6 added to SFI 2024 actions

SCR2 removed from SFI 2024 actions

OFC3: Organic conversion – rotational land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW4 and OFA6 added to SFI 2024 actions

OFC4: Organic conversion – horticultural land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action For non-permanent horticultural crops, this action is rotational. For permanent horticultural crops, this action is static

OFC5: Organic conversion – top fruit

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Land needs to be used to grow top fruit as a commercial crop which is not used to produce alcoholic drinks
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area PRF3 added to SFI 2024 actions
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area OFM6 removed from SFI 2024 actions

OFM1: Organic land management – improved permanent grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Updated land type to semi-improved ‘low input’ permanent grassland (which is defined in section 5.1 in the updated SFI scheme information)
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM2 and SPM3
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area HEF8 removed from SFI 2024 actions

OFM2: Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Added rough grazing
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM2 and SPM3
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area GRH6 added to SFI 2024 actions

OFM3: Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Updated land type to unimproved ‘low input’ permanent grassland that’s rough grazing (which is defined in section 5.1 in the updated SFI scheme information)
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area UPL1, UPL2, UPL3, UPL7, UPL8, UPL9 and UPL10 removed from SFI 2024 actions

OFM4: Organic land management – rotational land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW4 added to SFI 2024 actions

OFM5: Organic land management – horticultural land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action For non-permanent horticultural crops, this action is rotational or static. For permanent horticultural crops, this action is static

OFM6: Organic land management – top fruit

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Land needs to be used to grow top fruit as a commercial crop which is not used to produce alcoholic drinks
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area PRF3 added to SFI 2024 actions

OFA1: Overwinter stubble (organic land)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must maintain the stubble area (including the green overwinter cover crop) for a period of time that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim. This will usually be until around mid-February

You must not do the prohibited activities on the stubble area (including the green overwinter cover crop)

OFA3: Supplementary winter bird food (organic land)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 How much you’ll be paid Added AHL2 in the SFI 2023 offer
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Deleted ‘firm and free draining, such as farm tracks or hard standing areas’ and ‘close to areas of winter bird food, enhanced overwinter stubbles or game cover’

Added ‘in early spring’ to the breeding season
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added AHL2 in the SFI 2023 offer

This action is not available for Countryside Stewardship options OP2 or AB9

You must do this action on land that’s firm and free draining and close to areas of existing winter bird food, enhanced overwinter stubbles or game cover
5 August 2024 What to do You must use an organic winter supplementary feeding seed mix

OFA6: Undersown cereal crop (organic land)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH2 and SOH3 added to SFI 2024 actions

CAHL1: Pollen and nectar flower mix

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action This action is rotational or static. Wording on new and existing pollen and nectar flower mix has been removed
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’
5 August 2024 When to do it Wording updated to reflect that this action is rotational or static for new and existing pollen and nectar flower mix

CAHL2: Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Wording updated to match other actions which are rotational or static
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions AHW2 and OFA3

CAHL3: Grassy field corners or blocks

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’

Added link to GOV.UK guidance on birds, nests and eggs being protected by law

AHW1: Bumblebird mix

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action This action is rotational or static. Wording on new and existing bumblebird mix has been removed
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘at least’ with ‘as a minimum’
5 August 2024 When to do it Wording updated to reflect that this action is rotational or static for new and existing bumblebird mix

AHW2: Supplementary winter bird food

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 How much you’ll be paid Added AHL2 in the SFI 2023 offer
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Deleted ‘firm and free draining, such as farm tracks or hard standing areas’ and ‘close to areas of winter bird food, enhanced overwinter stubbles or game cover’

Added ‘in early spring’ to the breeding season
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added AHL2 in the SFI 2023 offer

This action is not available for Countryside Stewardship options OP2 or AB9

You must do this action on land that’s firm and free draining and close to areas of existing winter bird food, enhanced overwinter stubbles or game cover

AHW3: Beetle banks

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature

AHW4: Skylark plots

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Updated example – if you’re growing 5ha of winter cereal crop, there must be at least 10 plots
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area CIPM4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW5: Nesting plots for lapwing

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW10, AHW11 and CIPM4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW6: Basic overwinter stubble

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must not apply pre-harvest dessicants to the cereal crop, oilseed rape or linseed
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW8, AHW9 and SOH4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW7: Enhanced overwinter stubble

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You must not apply pre-harvest dessicants to the cereal crop, oilseed rape or linseed. The other prohibited activities apply to the stubble area
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW10 and AHW11 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW8: Whole crop spring cereals and overwinter stubble

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Updated ‘whole crop’ to ‘whole crop silage (grain and straw together)’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action You must keep evidence that the land has been identified by you as not being at risk of soil erosion or runoff
5 August 2024 What to do You must harvest the cereal crop as whole crop silage

You must not apply insecticides to the spring cereal crop after around mid-March until it’s harvested. On the stubble area, you must not top or graze it or apply any fertilisers, manures or lime
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW9: Unharvested cereal headland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘sow’ with ‘establish’

You must manage the cereal crop strips or plots for a period of time that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim. This will usually mean keeping them until around mid-February in the year after establishment

Deleted ‘until the crop is harvested’ for the prohibition on insecticide application
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH1 added to SFI 2024 actions
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW10: Low input harvested cereal crop

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligible land Added ‘not maize’ to eligible land types
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘sow’ with ‘establish’
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH4 removed from SFI 2024 actions

AHW11: Cultivated areas for arable plants

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Added ‘when they’re cultivated in the spring or autumn’

AHW12: Manage woodland edges on arable land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 How much you’ll be paid Deleted ‘buffer’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action The land type needs to be eligible at the start of this action’s duration. If the land type changes because of this action, it will not affect eligibility (for example, allowing scrub to develop)
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area PRF2 removed from SFI 2024 actions

UPL1: Moderate livestock grazing on moorland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions UPL4, UPL5, UPL6, SPM4 and SPM5

UPL2: Low livestock grazing on moorland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions UPL4, UPL5, UPL6, SPM4 and SPM5

UPL3: Limited livestock grazing on moorland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions UPL4, UPL5, UPL6, SPM4 and SPM5

UPL4: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland supplement (minimum 30% GLU)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action If you apply for this supplemental action, you cannot apply for UPL5 or UPL6 on the same area
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL5: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland supplement (minimum 70% GLU)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action If you apply for this supplemental action, you cannot apply for UPL4 or UPL6 on the same area
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL6: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland supplement (100% GLU)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action If you apply for this supplemental action, you cannot apply for UPL4 or UPL5 on the same area
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL7: Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking and shepherding information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Deleted OFM3 from SFI 2024 actions

Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL8: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking and shepherding information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL9: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking and shepherding information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

UPL10: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 8 months)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added wording to explain you need to read section 10.3 to find out about:

- what it’s advisable for you to do before you apply for this action on SSSI land
- how to give notice to Natural England to get SSSI consent
- what stocking and shepherding information you need to provide with your SSSI notice
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions SPM4 and SPM5

PRF1: Variable rate application of nutrients

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Added ‘major’, as this action applies to all major nutrients
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Land needs to be receiving applications of at least one major nutrient (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg)) at a rate typically above 100 kilograms (kg) N per ha, 40kg P per ha and 40kg K per ha per year’. This replaces ‘more than 12 tonnes of cattle farmyard manure (or equivalent amounts of available nutrients)’
5 August 2024 What to do Updated wording to make it clear this action applies to all major nutrients (N, P, K and Mg, as relevant)

You do not need to use VRA equipment to apply:

- micro-nutrients, such as boron or sulphur
- lime, because is not a nutrient – it helps to increase the availability of major nutrients and controls soil acidity (pH)

You can use existing zonal testing analysis if it meets this action’s requirements and it’s less than 5 years old
5 August 2024 Evidence to keep The ‘as applied’ VRA record needs to be at a land parcel level

PRF2: Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You can carry out a ‘blanket’ application of herbicides if you’re applying residual herbicides before sown crop plants or weeds emerge (‘pre-emergence’). This can be at the same time the crop is established (drilled or planted) or within a few days of establishment

PRF3: Non-mechanical robotic weeding

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do You can apply residual herbicides at the same time the crop is established (drilled or planted) or within a few days of establishment
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area OFC5 and OFM6 added to SFI 2024 actions. OR5 added to CS options

PRF4: Mechanical robotic weeding

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action It will not usually be possible for you to do this action on combinable crops
5 August 2024 What to do Added ‘if suitable equipment is available to complete this action’ for combinable crops, such as cereals and oilseed rape

You can apply residual herbicides at the same time the crop is established (drilled or planted) or within a few days of establishment
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Deleted OR4 and OT4 from CS options

CIGL1: Take grassland field corners or blocks out of management

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 What to do Added link to Capital Grants

Added link to GOV.UK guidance on birds, nests and eggs being protected by law

CIGL2: Winter bird food on improved grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SOH1 added to SFI 2024 actions

CLIG3: Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Added link to GOV.UK guidance on birds, nests and eggs being protected by law
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added supplemental actions GRH7, GRH8, GRH10, GRH11, SPM2 and SPM3

GRH1: Manage rough grazing for birds

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area MOR1 deleted from SFI 2023 actions. Added supplemental actions GRH11, SPM4 and SPM5
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area PRF2 deleted from SFI 2024 actions

GRH7: Haymaking supplement

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1, LIG2 and GRH6 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2 and GS5
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do The minimum 8-week period required by this supplemental action replaces the minimum 7-week period in base action CLIG3. This applies to the area of land entered into this supplemental action

Removed requirement to graze with livestock or take a second cut after you’ve removed the hay crop. Instead, you must manage the sward in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the relevant base action’s aim. This will usually be by aftermath grazing or taking a second cut
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

GRH8: Haymaking supplement (late cut)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1, LIG2 and GRH6 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2 and GS5
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do The minimum 9-week period required by this supplemental action replaces the minimum 7-week period in base action CLIG3 and the minimum 8-week period in base action GRH6

Removed requirement to graze with livestock or take a second cut after you’ve removed the hay crop. Instead, you must manage the sward in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the relevant base action’s aim. This will usually be by aftermath grazing or taking a second cut
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

GRH10: Lenient grazing supplement

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1 and LIG2 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2 and GS5
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Same as or less than your selected base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

GRH11: Cattle grazing supplement (non-moorland)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 5 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1 and LIG2 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2 and GS5
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Same as or less than your selected base action
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

SCR1: Create scrub and open habitat mosaics

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature

SCR2: Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature
5 August 2024 What to do Added the reason why you must not use sheep to graze

Added link to GOV.UK guidance on birds, nests and eggs being protected by law

You can provide non-energy mineral blocks
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area SPM4 and SPM5 added as supplemental actions

HEF1: Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Deleted ‘using traditional methods and materials’. Added ‘where relevant’ to features used by bats, owls and kestrels
5 August 2024 What to do You must use traditional materials, unless non-traditional material has previously been used

Updated wording on what you must do if you identify bat activity
5 August 2024 When to do it Added wording on timing of carrying out maintenance work or minor repairs if bat activity has been identified

HEF2: Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings in remote areas

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Deleted ‘using traditional methods and materials’. Added ‘where relevant’ to features used by bats, owls and kestrels
5 August 2024 What to do You must use traditional materials, unless non-traditional material has previously been used

Updated wording on what you must do if you identify bat activity
5 August 2024 When to do it Added wording on timing of carrying out maintenance work or minor repairs if bat activity has been identified

HEF5: Control scrub on historic and archaeological features

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Added agriculture EIA ‘screening decision’ from Natural England to relevant consents, permissions or licences you may need to apply for

Added link to section 10 ‘Get all necessary regulatory consents, permissions and licences in place’ in the SFI scheme information

HEF6: Manage historic and archaeological features on grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Added consents, permissions or licences you may need to apply for before you remove scrub or trees

Added link to section 10 ‘Get all necessary regulatory consents, permissions and licences in place’ in the SFI scheme information
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area UPL1, UPL2 and UPL3 removed from SFI 2024 actions

SPM2: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (50-80%)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Replaced ‘sensitive’ with ‘low input’ grassland
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1, LIG2 and GRH6 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2, GS5, OR1, OR2, OT1 or OT2
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

SPM3: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (more than 80%)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Action’s aim Replaced ‘sensitive’ with ‘low input’ grassland
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Added LIG1, LIG2 and GRH6 as base actions. You cannot do this supplemental action on land in GS2, GS5, OR1, OR2, OT1 or OT2
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

SPM4: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (50-80%)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Deleted SCR1

You cannot do this supplemental action on land that’s already in an equivalent base action in a CS agreement. This includes WD7, WD8, OT6 and UP2
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

SPM5: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (more than 80%)

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Duration 3 years instead of ‘same as base action’
5 August 2024 Where you can do this action Deleted SCR1

You cannot do this supplemental action on land that’s already in an equivalent base action in a CS agreement. This includes WD7, WD8, OT6 and UP2
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Available area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action
5 August 2024 What to do Replaced ‘Lowland ewe and lamb, or ram’ with ‘Heavy sheep (for example, most lowland sheep, rams and larger hill sheep)’. Replaced ‘Store lamb, hill ewe and lamb or hogg or teg’ with ‘Light sheep (for example, store lambs and small hill sheep)’
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Added ‘your selected’ in relation to the base action

CIPM2: Flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action This action is rotational or static
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’

CIPM3: Companion crop on arable and horticultural land

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area Deleted ‘only if CIPM3 is done during the summer months’ as that’s already covered in the text for this section. SW6 added to CS options

CIPM4: No use of insecticide on arable crops and permanent crops

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 What to do Plant protection products containing insecticide includes insecticide seed dressings
15 August 2024 Other actions or options you can do on the same area AHW7 added to SFI 2024 actions

CNUM2: Legumes on improved grassland

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Eligibility of protected land You can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature

CNUM3: Legume fallow

Date of change Heading where change made Change details
5 August 2024 Rotational or static action This action is rotational or static. Wording on new and existing legume fallow has been removed
5 August 2024 What to do Storing bales or machinery added as an example of ‘storage’
5 August 2024 When to do it Wording updated to reflect that this action is rotational or static for new and existing legume fallow
15 August Other actions or options you can do on the same area OFM6 added to SFI 2024 actions

Changes made to the SFI scheme information

Date of change Section where change made Change details
5 August 2024 1. About the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme Updated to clarify that this SFI scheme information applies to expanded SFI offer agreements
5 August 2024 1.2 SFI actions which require endorsement Added further information about endorsed SFI actions and getting endorsement
5 August 2024 1.3 SFI actions with a limited area Added SFI 2023 action codes and how the 25% limit applies across multiple SFI agreements applied for on or after 26 March 2024
5 August 2024 1.6 Supplemental SFI actions Added new section
5 August 2024 2. When and how much you’ll be paid Updated to clarify that you do not have to submit an annual claim for SFI
5 August 2024 5.1 Eligible land types for SFI Added definitions for semi-improved and unimproved low input grassland
5 August 2024 5.7 Land that’s conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax Updated wording
5 August 2024 7. Search for actions using the ‘find funding tool’ Updated land types and areas of interest to align with updates made to the ‘Find funding for land or farms’ tool
5 August 2024 9. How to apply online Updated to clarify that you can apply for another SFI agreement once you’ve submitted your first application
5 August 2024 10.3 SSSI consent Added information on getting SSSI consent to do the SFI actions for moorland and CLIG3
5 August 2024 10.8 Forestry environmental impact assessments Added new section
5 August 2024 11.1 What you’re agreeing to do Updated to reflect what’s in the SFI agreement terms and conditions
5 August 2024 11.2 Agreement start and end date Updated as you’ll apply for a separate SFI agreement for more SFI actions and land following publication of updated SFI agreement terms and conditions (version 1.1)
5 August 2024 12.2 Add actions or land to your agreement Updated as you’ll apply for a separate SFI agreement for more SFI actions and land following publication of updated SFI agreement terms and conditions (version 1.1)
5 August 2024 12.4 What happens if you transfer land in your agreement to another person Updated as you’ll apply for a separate SFI agreement for more SFI actions and land following publication of updated SFI agreement terms and conditions (version 1.1)
5 August 2024 Annex B: Summary of the initial expanded SFI offer from summer 2024 Updated to reflect that GRH6 (manage priority habitat species-rich grassland) is available for applications, the duration of supplemental actions and payment rate for OFA3 (£935 per tonne)
5 August 2024 Annex C: What supplemental actions you can do with each base action Added new annex
5 August 2024 Annex D: Land covers the RPA registers and compatible land use codes Previous annex C is now annex D