Accredited official statistics

Latest horticulture statistics

Annual statistics on the area, yield, production, trade and valuation of fruit and vegetable crops grown in the UK.


Horticulture statistics - dataset (Excel)


This annual statistics notice and accompanying dataset, formerly known as the British Horticulture statistics report, provides key statistics on the area, production, trade and valuation of the main fruit and vegetable crops grown in the United Kingdom.

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Defra statistics: crops

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Published 31 May 2018
Last updated 20 June 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated for 2023.

  2. Update to statistical notice and datasets - UK yield tables and notes added.

  3. Request to update received on 13/06/2023 - 'Apologies but we found a mistype on the notice and datasets, all charts are still okay. Please can the attached be updated as soon as possible.'

  4. Update for 2023.

  5. Edited with revised Excel dataset as error found in previous item.

  6. Edited with revised dataset as error found in previous item.

  7. Edited to include data for 2021.

  8. Datasets updated to correct error in table 10.

  9. Edited - updated with 2020 data.

  10. Updated datasets, figures up to and including 2019.

  11. Updated statistical notice and datasets, 2019 figures.

  12. Statistical notice updated to include a statement on the national statistics status. No figures or other information have been updated.

  13. Updated the Horticultural Statistics Statistical Notice and dataset due to changes in stock prices.

  14. Removed user statement which now appears on the horticulture statistics - guidance document page.

  15. Updated with statistical bulletin and datasets for 2018.

  16. Republished to correct an error with one of the data links.

  17. First published.