Zika virus: country specific risk
Countries or areas with current or past Zika transmission have been classified into one of two risk ratings.
Latest update
Public Health England (PHE) does not provide detailed travel health advice in relation to Zika virus.
Use the country information pages (CIPs) on the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) website for up-to-date and detailed advice for those travelling to countries or areas affected by Zika virus. The CIPs are linked to each individual country from the A to Z country list below.
Zika virus risk rating for countries, territories or areas
Countries or areas with current or past Zika virus transmission have been given 1 of 2 risk ratings (risk or very low risk) based on Zika virus epidemiology and risk to UK travellers. The greatest likelihood of acquiring Zika virus infection is in a country with risk, however, the individual risk of infection is likely to be lower if mosquito bite avoidance measures are followed.
An A to Z list of countries and areas and their Zika virus risk ratings is available.
Countries that have never reported Zika virus transmission are not listed in the A to Z list.
There is no specific travel advice for countries with presence of the mosquito vector and close proximity to countries that have reported Zika transmission but with no evidence of Zika virus. Other vector borne diseases may be present in these countries so appropriate precautions should be taken. Further advice regarding travel to these countries is available from the NaTHNaC country information pages.
To produce the country or area risk ratings, the UK uses data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and epidemic intelligence systematically collected by PHE and NaTHNaC. This information is reviewed on a regular basis and the A to Z list updated as required.
The rationale and criteria for classifying the Zika risk for countries or areas in the A to Z list is available on the NaTHNaC website. Risk countries include those where there is evidence of current or recent outbreaks with significant transmission, new introduction or re-introduction of Zika virus or endemic transmission. Very low risk countries have interrupted transmission and a potential for future transmission.
A to Z of countries
To determine the Zika risk for a country or area of travel, use the A to Z and follow the links to country specific travel advice from NaTHNaC.
This list will be subject to change as the Zika virus outbreak situation in each area continues to evolve. It is strongly advised to continuously refer back to this list (which will be kept updated) and not rely on printed copies.
Country name | Risk rating |
American Samoa | Very low risk |
Angola | Risk |
Anguilla | Risk |
Antigua and Barbuda | Risk |
Argentina | Risk |
Aruba | Risk |
Country name | Risk rating |
Bahamas | Risk |
Bangladesh | Risk |
Barbados | Risk |
Belize | Risk |
Bolivia | Risk |
Bonaire | Risk |
Brazil | Risk |
British Virgin Islands | Risk |
Burkina Faso | Risk |
Burma (Myanmar) | Risk |
Burundi | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Cambodia | Risk |
Cameroon | Risk |
Cape Verde | Risk |
Cayman Islands | Very low risk |
Central African Republic | Risk |
Chile - Easter Islands | Very low risk |
Colombia | Risk |
Cook Islands | Very low risk |
Costa Rica | Risk |
Côte D’Ivoire | Risk |
Cuba | Risk |
Curaçao | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Dominica | Risk |
Dominican Republic | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Easter Island - Chile | Very low risk |
Ecuador | Risk |
El Salvador | Risk |
Ethiopia | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Fiji | Risk |
Florida, USA | Very low risk |
French Guiana | Risk |
French Polynesia | Very low risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Gabon | Risk |
Grenada | Risk |
Guadeloupe | Very low risk |
Guatemala | Risk |
Guinea-Bissau | Risk |
Guyana | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Haiti | Risk |
Honduras | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
India | Risk |
Indonesia | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Jamaica | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Laos | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Malaysia | Risk |
Maldives | Risk |
Marshall Islands | Very low risk |
Martinique | Very low risk |
Mexico | Risk |
Micronesia, Federated States of | Very low risk |
Montserrat | Risk |
Myanmar (Burma) | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
New Caledonia | Very low risk |
Nicaragua | Risk |
Nigeria | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Palau | Very low risk |
Panama | Risk |
Papua New Guinea | Risk |
Paraguay | Risk |
Peru | Risk |
Philippines | Risk |
Puerto Rico | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Saba | Risk |
Saint Barthélemy | Very low risk |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Risk |
Saint Lucia | Risk |
Saint Martin | Risk |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Risk |
Samoa | Risk |
Senegal | Risk |
Singapore | Risk |
Sint Eustatius | Risk |
Sint Maarten | Risk |
Solomon Islands | Risk |
Suriname | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Texas, USA | Very low risk |
Thailand | Risk |
Tonga | Risk |
Trinidad and Tobago | Risk |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Uganda | Risk |
USA: Florida | Very low risk |
USA: Texas | Very low risk |
US Virgin Islands | Risk |
Country name | Risk level |
Vanuatu | Very low risk |
Venezuela | Risk |
Vietnam | Risk |
Virgin Islands (British) | Risk |
Virgin Islands (USA) | Risk |
Updates to this page
Added Ethiopia as a risk country.
Simplified terminology used to describe the risk for Zika virus transmission in countries, now classified as either 'risk' or 'very low risk'.
Added India: Rajasthan and Rajasthan, India as High Risk regions.
Risk rating changes: Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba and Sint Eustatius have changed from high to moderate; Nicaragua changed from moderate to high and Marshall Islands changed from moderate to low.
Myanmar (Burma) and Burma (Myanmar) have been added as moderate risk.
Updated Micronesia and Palau to low risk
Updated Cuba to high risk
Updated to reflect changes in travel and sexual transmission advice and revised Zika virus risk ratings.
Added India as moderate risk.
Addition of a statement pending revision to country classifications
Angola (moderate risk) added to Country A to Z listing.
USA, Texas (Cameron County) added as moderate risk
Added Palau as high risk.
Added Montserrat as high risk.
Changed Solomon Islands from moderate to high risk.
Updated: Vietnam from moderate to high risk; Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands from low to moderate risk.
New Caledonia changed from low to moderate risk
Philippines changed from moderate to high risk.
Maldives changed from Low risk to Moderate risk.
Added St. Kitts and Nevis to country A to Z listing.
Added a second moderate risk definition to the table describing risk categories; changed Tonga to moderate risk.
Changed Malaysia from low to moderate risk.
Singapore added to country list.
Clarification of Florida risk, and addition of British Virgin Islands.
Bahamas added to country table.
Added Cayman Islands to country listing.
Changed status for Cuba and Vietnam.
Links added for Antigua and Barbuda, Turks and Caicos. Clarification about country specific risk and travel precautions.
Added Florida, USA to the A to Z listing.
Added Antigua and Barbuda, Turks and Caicos Islands to the A to Z listing.
Changed Indonesia to moderate risk in A to Z of countries.
First published.