
Inshore Vessel Monitoring (I-VMS) for under-12 metre fishing vessels registered in England

Guidance to assist fishers understand how and when I-VMS will be delivered in English waters, how it may affect them, their responsibilities, and the steps they need to consider.

Important update - 25 March 2025

In a variation notice issued this week, MMO outlined a new licence condition coming into force on 12 May 2025, requiring the use of a type-approved I-VMS device on any English under-12m vessel undertaking a trip to sea. 

This early notice of the incoming licence condition is the next stage of MMO’s preparations to support English fishers ahead of statutory legislation, expected to be laid by government later this year.

This announcement follows a roll-out of I-VMS devices, which saw over 80% of industry purchase and install an I-VMS device and more than £1.57million in grant funding paid out to fishers.

Letters have been issued to fishers and these guidance pages have been updated with guidance for vessel owners:

  • Yet to purchase and install a device
  • Have a device and are now expected to check it meets operational requirements.

Fishers are under no obligation to take action at this point, however, if you are planning a trip to sea on, or soon after the licence condition comes into effect, you must follow the steps below to prepare for this licence condition variation.

If you delay in making these arrangements, you risk not being able to fish legally and possible enforcement action.  

If you have any questions, contact us using the details below.

What is I-VMS?

Inshore Vessel Monitoring System (I-VMS) devices monitor inshore fishing activity by under-12 metre vessels. They are similar to the VMS tracking devices used by fishing vessels of 12 metres and greater and will help:

  • improve the management and sustainability of our marine environment
  • ensure proper fishing practices
  • prevent illegal fishing
  • help protect and enhance the livelihoods of fishers.

Using GPRS mobile phone signals, I-VMS devices provide positional information (such as latitude and longitude, course, speed and date and time of each positional report) which is sent to MMO’s UK VMS Hub. When a device is located outside GPRS range, the device will continue to store the positional information and submit the data once GPRS coverage next becomes available. This is different to the VMS devices used by larger vessels, which transmit data via satellite and can become expensive.

Combined with data on catch volumes, scientific evidence of stock levels and a range of other significant data, I-VMS will enable more efficient decisions on local and national management measures and policies. It will also enable MMO to continually improve its targeted assurance activities as the clearer picture of fishing activity will help highlight which vessels are consistently complying with regulations on where and what they can fish, and those that may introduce risk to sustainable sea fisheries.

I-VMS legislation

New licence condition requirements come into force on 12 May 2025, requiring the use of a type-approved I-VMS device on any English under-12m vessel undertaking a trip to sea.  Introduction of the licence condition is the next stage of MMO’s preparations to support English fishers ahead of statutory legislation, expected to be laid by government later this year.

The introduction of legislation to make I-VMS mandatory was intended to come into force in 2024, in the form of a statutory instrument (SI). This was delayed due to the general election in July 2024 and the election of a new government.

Once the legislation is in place, it will be a legal requirement for all vessels under 12 metres in length, both domestic and foreign, to have an inshore vessel monitoring system (I-VMS) installed and transmitting data to MMO, during a trip to sea in English waters.

As a responsible regulator, MMO continues to facilitate preparations to support industry with these new requirements. To date, this has been achieved through device type-approval, grant funding and a staged roll-out. The licence condition variation notice issued on 28 March 2025 is the next step in these preparations to ensure every fisher has the opportunity to be compliant before the new legislation is introduced.

Once the licence condition is effect, we will take a measured approach to enforcement and work with industry and suppliers to address any issues that may arise.

Fishers subject to existing legislation requiring the operation of an I-VMS device, such as under IFCA or Welsh Government legislation, should already have devices and be transmitting data.

Type approved devices

Following independent testing, two I-VMS devices are type-approved by MMO for use by English licenced vessels fishing in English waters: Fulcrum NEMO and Succorfish SC2.

Each vessel will need to have its own I-VMS device installed and devices cannot be removed from the vessel unless for repair, which needs to be arranged through your supplier and one of their approved installation engineers.

Devices should only be installed, fixed or removed by suppliers and/or their approved engineers. Fishers should not attempt to install devices themselves - any damage or manual interference could void the device warranty.

Full supplier and device details can be found on the type approved devices page of

Preparing for I-VMS licence condition requirements

Follow the steps below to ensure you meet the operational requirements of the licence condition. These will allow you to become familiar with your device and better able to resolve any issues ahead of any trips to sea after the licence condition comes into effect. 

Once the licence condition is effect, we will take a measured approach to enforcement and work with industry and suppliers to address any issues.

You can also view and download an operational requirements step-by-step information sheet.

Check the power supply

Ensure your device is switched on your device and check the power supply is fully operational during trips to sea. If using a portable power bank, make sure it is charged prior to your trip and is connected to your device.

Transmit and check your I-VMS device data

Check your device is transmitting data correctly by accessing the data app or web portal provided by your supplier.

The sooner you start transmitting data, the sooner you can better understand your fishing activity, how the device data software and system works and be aware of your obligations under the new licence conditions. 

If you have previously requested to temporarily stop data transmissions to MMO, you should contact your supplier to re-activate your transmissions as soon as possible.

Report issues to your supplier

Each supplier has provided a user manual for device troubleshooting. If you are still unable to resolve any issues, report them to your supplier immediately. Your supplier may also contact you to make sure everything is working correctly.

You should not attempt to install, fix or remove your device yourself. This is a requirement of the licence condition. Additionally, any damage or manual interference could void your device warranty.

Understand the operational requirements

Read the full I-VMS licence condition requirements to understand the requirements of the licence condition and what is expected of you. 

Work with us

To help ensure you are compliant with the requirements, we may contact you to make sure you understand your obligations or if we detect any issues with your device. Once the licence condition is effect, we will take a measured approach to enforcement and work with industry and suppliers to address any issues that may arise.

Purchase and install a device

If you have not yet purchased or installed a type-approved I-VMS device on your vessel, you should do so now. If you delay making these arrangements, you risk delays in supplier and engineer availability which could result in you being unable to fish legally and possible enforcement action.  

You can also view and download the buying an I-VMS device step-by-step information sheet.

Choose your preferred type-approved device

Look online or contact each supplier to decide which device and purchase option is most suitable for your circumstances. Full supplier and device details can be found on the type approved devices page.

Purchase device from supplier

Once you’ve chosen a device, contact your preferred supplier to purchase and arrange installation.

Please note: Grant funding is no longer available for the purchase or installation of an I-VMS device.

Install device

Suppliers will provide you with your device along with details of their approved engineers so you can arrange the installation of your device.

You should not attempt to install, fix or remove your device yourself. This is a requirement of the licence condition. Additionally, any damage or manual interference could void your device warranty.

Read the guidance on operational requirements

Make sure you are familiar with the operational requirements of the licence condition. This includes checking your device, its power supply and data transmissions. Read the section above on preparing for the licence condition and read the further guidance on I-VMS licence condition requirements.

Data privacy

Data transmitted to MMO before the licence condition comes into force will only be accessible to the MMO Fisheries Monitoring Centre and other MMO teams and only be used by MMO to support compliance assurance preparation activities.

Data will be shared with those enforcement agencies that have a statutory obligation to collect data, such as Devon & Severn IFCA and Welsh Government.

When the licence condition comes into effect on 12 May 2025, I-VMS data will then be accessible to all UK Fisheries Administrations and other agencies, including Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA). At that point, the data can be used to monitor compliance and inform evidence-based decision-making for fisheries management. A new privacy notice will be published on this guidance page nearer the time. 

Your personal information including location information will not be accessible to other fishers or the public.

You can read the current privacy notice on the personal information charter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our updated FAQs for further information.

Contact us 

Our dedicated helpline is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, by calling 01900 508618, or you can email our I-VMS Engagement and Support team at

Updates to this page

Published 5 January 2022
Last updated 25 March 2025 show all updates
  1. New guidance added to support industry prepare for a new licence condition that will require the use of I-VMS devices on English registered under-12m vessels.

  2. I-VMS small amends

  3. 24 May update

  4. Update to "Type approved devices" section

  5. Update 18 January 2024

  6. 7 December update

  7. Small amends

  8. 25 October update

  9. FAQ update

  10. FAQs updated.

  11. I-VMS update 16/08

  12. FAQ updated

  13. FAQ Update

  14. IVMS update

  15. Added - Important update - 19 June 2023

  16. Update as at 19 May 2023, following outcome of independent assurance testing.

  17. Updated to include link to announcement of independent test results - 18 May 2023

  18. 25 April 2023 update.

  19. April 20 2023 update

  20. Update 01 December 2022.

  21. November update 2022

  22. I-VMS privacy policy 21/10/2022

  23. August update

  24. Friday 22 July update

  25. Update on Maritime Systems Ltd test transmissions.

  26. Industry update - Data transmission issue - Maritime Systems Ltd - June 1 2022

  27. Page updated with privacy statement

  28. Updates to page following reinstatement of Maritime systems to approved device list

  29. I-VMS updates to page

  30. First published.

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