Supply a large goods trailer for use on the road

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Who needs permission

You need to get permission if you’re a ‘final supplier’ of trailers. Final suppliers are:

  • trailer manufacturers
  • trailer dealers
  • importers of new trailers

If you’re a dealer or importer, you only have to get permission if it has not already been obtained, for example if the trailer was built abroad and the manufacturer did not apply.

When you need to get permission depends on when the trailer was put into service in the UK.

Type of trailer When you need permission
Trailers manufactured in a single stage From 29 October 2012
Trailers manufactured in multiple stages From 29 October 2013
Special purpose trailers From 29 October 2014

Special purpose trailers include some trailer caravans, boat launching trailers, gritters and towed machinery. Check if your trailer is ‘special purpose’ by calling the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) helpline.

It’s an offence to supply or use these trailers without getting permission first and you could be fined.

If you’re an operator using large goods trailers on the road supplied after the dates above, you do not need to get permission - it should already have been given.

You can check this by calling the DVSA helpline.

DVSA helpline
Telephone: 0300 123 9000
Find out about call charges