Screening tests for you and your baby (STFYAYB)
STFYAYB provides information about the screening tests offered during and after pregnancy.
This information is about the screening tests you will be offered during your pregnancy and after your baby is born. It explains the different types of test and what the tests are looking for.
Easy read versions of this leaflet are available. Additional information is also available for parents of babies who are in a special care baby unit, neonatal intensive care unit or paediatric intensive care unit.
We hope this advice will help prepare you for discussions with your midwife or doctor so that you can ask the questions that are important to you.
It is your decision whether or not to have any of the tests described.
In this publication, we use the terms ‘woman’ and ‘women’ to refer to anyone able to become pregnant, including trans men. Trans men who are pregnant should be offered the same antenatal and newborn screening tests as other pregnant individuals.
The information is available in 12 other languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali and Urdu.
See how to print digital leaflets if you want to print any sections of this guidance.
Free printed copies of this leaflet are also provided for local screening providers to give to women who cannot access the internet. Screening services can view the full PDF of the printed leaflet and order printed copies on the APS online ordering portal (requires login).
To request another format, you can phone 0300 311 22 33 or email
Updates to this page
Updated NHS England contact information
Updated section 8 (Confidentiality) of the 'Introduction and summary animation' chapter.
Added NHS England contact details for requesting alternative formats.
Updating confidentiality section, replacing mention of Public Health England with NHS England.
Changed the wording in the blood spot chapter to clarify in what circumstances a parent or carer may be contacted by researchers. Added a link to the NHS newborn blood spot screening code of practice for residual spots.
Removed the non-NIPT version of the chapter for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome.
Added an updated chapter (and translated versions) for Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome in pregnancy.
Added subtitled animation videos to translated publications.
Added English animations to screening tests section and updated genetic inheritance information in sickle cell screening section.
Addition of translations in 10 languages.
First published.