Incidence and distribution of Sweetpotato viruses and their implication on sweetpotato seed system in Malawi

Survey carried out in 19 districts to investigate the distribution of sweetpotato virus disease and its implication on the sustainability of clean seed system


A survey was carried out in 19 districts to investigate the prevalence and distribution of sweetpotato virus disease (SPVD) and its implication on the sustainability of clean seed system in Malawi. A total of 166 leaf samples were collected and tested for the presence of 8 viruses using nitrocellulose membrane enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NCM-ELISA). SPVD foliar symptoms were observed in 68.42% of the surveyed districts. There were significant variations in disease incidence and severity (p < 0.001) among districts, with the highest incidence in Mulanje (28.34%). Average SPVD severity score was 3.05. NCM-ELISA detected sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV, 30.54%), sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV, 31.14%), sweet potato mild speckling virus (SPMSV, 16.17%), sweet potato C-6 virus (SPC6V, 13.77%), sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV, 22.16%), sweet potato collusive virus (SPCV, 30.54%), sweet potato virus G (SPVG, 11.38%), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, 7.78%) either in single or mixed infections. Data from this study indicate a significant SPVD occurrence in the country, and the consequence implications towards national sweetpotato seed system.


Mbewe, W., Mtonga, A., Chiipanthenga, M. et al. Incidence and distribution of Sweetpotato viruses and their implication on sweetpotato seed system in Malawi. J Plant Pathol 103, 961–968 (2021).

Incidence and distribution of Sweetpotato viruses and their implication on sweetpotato seed system in Malawi

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Published 1 April 2021