
Transforming government

Practical tools and help for people working on transformation in government.

There are major business transformations happening across the civil service. They are some of our hardest challenges and range from reforming the welfare system to modernising our courts. The transformation community across government can help you deliver projects like these better.

The Government Digital Service (GDS) and the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) have gathered knowledge and insights from some of the most experienced people working in government to make your life, as transformation professionals, easier.

You can:

Guidance and tools for transformation projects

The transformation guidance for audit committees helps committees who are overseeing transformation projects.

General project help

The Service Toolkit has everything you need to design and build government services.

Updates to this page

Published 10 September 2018
Last updated 18 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Publication of Art of Brilliance.

  2. 7 Lenses maturity matrix added.

  3. First published.