The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales and supporting public information materials
The Victims' Code focuses on victims' rights and sets out the minimum standard that organisations must provide to victims of crime.
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (Victims’ Code) sets out the minimum standards that must be provided to victims of crime by organisations (referred to as service providers) in England and Wales.
Victims of crime should be treated in a respectful, sensitive and professional manner without discrimination of any kind. They also have the following rights:
- To be able to understand and to be understood
- To have the details of the crime recorded without unjustified delay
- To be provided with information when reporting the crime
- To be referred to services that support victims and have services and support tailored to your needs
- To be provided with information about compensation
- To be provided with information about the investigation and prosecution
- To make a Victim Personal Statement
- To be given information about the trial, trial process and your role as a witness
- To be given information about the outcome of the case and any appeals
- To be paid expenses and have property returned
- To be given information about the offender following a conviction
- To make a complaint about your rights not being met
British Sign Language translation
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims’ Code) - BSL translation
Further information
Updates to this page
Victims' Code English leaflets and posters updated
Added Welsh language versions of Victims’ Code leaflets.
Victims’ Code – Leaflet A5 (web) added
posters updated
15 language translations added.
British Sign Language translation added.
Large print version of the Victims' Code added.
Welsh version of page added.
Code of Practice and supporting documents updated
Information for Victims of Crime updated.
The code of practice for victims of crime - Welsh version added to page.
Updated 'Code of practice for victims of crime' added to page.
Easyread version of the code added.
New code of practice comes in to force
Welsh translation of victims code published
Published new code of practice
First published.