
Social Housing Quality Resident Panel: privacy notice

Published 29 March 2022

Applies to England

The following is to explain your rights and give you the information you are entitled to under UK data protection legislation.

1. The identity and contact details of DLUHC and our Data Protection Officer

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) is the data controller. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

2. Why we are collecting the data

Your personal data is being collected to be able to contact you to provide you with all the information you will need in relation to your participation in the Social Housing Quality Resident Panel. This includes providing you with invites to the panel and any forms or documentation related to it e.g. minutes from the panel, supplementary questionnaires.

Your personal data will also help us better understand the demographic diversity of social housing residents and enable us to make sure the panel is representative of the social housing population. We will also be able to incorporate this data into future programmes of work to ensure we tailor them to better meet the needs of all social housing residents.

The data we collect will include: Name, geographic location, contact email address, housing provider, property type, gender, age, disability status, ethnicity, marital status and sexual orientation. For your application to be considered, you will be required to provide the personal data requested, which will be securely processed and stored.

The data protection legislation sets out when we are lawfully allowed to process your data. The lawful basis that applies to this processing is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest as set out in article 6 (1)(e) and article 9 (2)(g) of UK GDPR.

4. With whom we will be sharing the data

The data will be collected and processed by DLUHC employees. Where information is shared with any third party organisations, this data will be limited to only what is necessary for them to perform the role required of them and we will prohibit them from sharing the data with anyone else without our consent.

5. For how long we will keep the personal data, or criteria used to determine the retention period

Your personal data will be held for 5 years. This is to ensure we have the ability to contact applicants regarding the panel throughout the lifespan of the panel. Whilst there is no fixed end date for the resident panel programme, having this data available for this period of time provides the opportunity to extend the lifespan of the panel without needing to ask for panel members to re-apply. We will anonymise the data to protect individual identities and the data will only be used for analytical purposes.

6. Your rights, e.g. access, rectification, erasure

The data we are collecting is your personal data, and you have rights that affect what happens to it. You have the right to:

a. know that we are using your personal data

b. see what data we have about you

c. ask to have your data corrected, and to ask how we check the information we hold is accurate

d. to object to the use of your personal data

e. complain to the ICO (see below)

7. Sending data overseas

Your personal data will not be sent overseas.

8. Automated decision making

We will not use your data for any automated decision making.

9. Storage, security and data management

Your personal data will be stored in a secure government IT system for the duration of the resident panel programme. Where any data is shared with third party organisations, they will have to demonstrate their ability to safely and securely store the data digitally, using servers that are based in the United Kingdom.

10. Complaints and more information

When we ask you for information, we will keep to the law, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation.

If you are unhappy with the way the department has acted, you can make a complaint.

If you are not happy with how we are using your personal data, you should first contact

If you are still not happy, or for independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, you can contact:

The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire,

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745