What is the role of men in connecting women to cash crop markets? Evidence from Uganda

This paper analyses take-up of a project that sought to increase women’s involvement in sugarcane marketing and sales


Programs that seek to increase women’s participation in marketing activities related to the principal household economic activity must involve men if they are to be successful. In this paper we analyze take-up of a project that sought to increase women’s involvement in sugarcane marketing and sales by encouraging the registration of a sugarcane block contract in the wife’s name. We find that men who are more educated and live in households with higher wealth and expenditures are more likely to agree to the registration. Households with more cane blocks and in which the wife is already more involved in cane activities are also more likely to participate. Overall, take-up is high at 70%, and remains high even in those groups that are less likely to take-up. Additionally, we find that blocks transferred to women are not of lower quality or value than those kept by men, though they are smaller and closer to the home. These results suggest that simple encouragement can be an effective tool to nudge men to include their wives in household commercial activities

This work is part of the Closing the Gender Gap in Africa: evaluating new policies and programmes for women’s economic empowerment programme


Ambler, Kate; Jones, Kelly M.; and O’Sullivan, Michael. 2018. What is the role of men in connecting women to cash crop markets? Evidence from Uganda. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1762. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

What is the role of men in connecting women to cash crop markets? Evidence from Uganda

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Published 1 October 2018