AAIB investigation to Alpi (Cavaciuti) Pioneer 400, G-CGVO
Collided with terrain while approaching Popham Airfield, Hampshire, 3 January 2015.
The aircraft departed Bembridge Airfield, Isle of Wight for a VFR flight to Bidford Airfield, near Evesham. However, occasional low cloud and poor visibility may have precluded flight that was clear of cloud and in sight of the surface at all times. The aircraft approached Popham Airfield and manoeuvred as if preparing to land, before continuing in what appeared to be a low level, left-hand circuit. Whilst in the circuit, the aircraft stalled and struck trees before hitting the ground. Two of the occupants died at the scene, a third passenger survived with serious injuries. A defect was identified with the engine turbo (turbocharger) control, which likely resulted in the engine manifold air pressure limit being exceeded and the engine seizing in flight. Four Safety Recommendations are made.
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A correction was issued concerning this report on 14 July 2016.
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