AAIB investigation to Cessna F172M Skyhawk, G-BEZR

Loss of control after landing, Bembridge Airport, Isle of Wight, 16 February 2016.


Following a local flight, the pilot elected to land on Runway 30 at Bembridge due to its uphill gradient. He reported the wind conditions as 180°/5 kt and variable.

The landing and initial rollout were uneventful. However, just as the pilot started to apply the brakes as he passed abeam of the large hangar to the south, the left wing rose, the aircraft weather cocked to the left and then departed the left side of the runway. He regained control but, whilst manoeuvring back towards the runway, the nosewheel sank into soft ground and the aircraft turned over onto its back. He made the aircraft secure and ensured that he and his two passengers vacated the aircraft through the normal exit safely.

The pilot and one passenger had been wearing lap strap and diagonal harnesses and the other passenger a lap strap only; all escaped serious injury although the aircraft suffered extensive damage.

The pilot stated that whilst the “wind was not difficult”, the brief, sharp movement of the aircraft during the rollout could have been due to a “sudden gust” or “windshear” and may have been associated with the wind direction and position of the hangar.

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Cessna F172M Skyhawk, G-BEZR 05-16

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Published 12 May 2016