AAIB investigation to DH82A Tiger Moth, G-ANMO

Aircraft hit trees and power line on the approach to land, Headcorn Aerodrome, Kent, 26 August 2021.


During a flight to teach a qualified pilot to land on a short unlicensed grass strip, the aircraft was low and slow on short final. It contacted a tree followed by a power line, which was atop wooden pylons, before toppling to the ground onto its back. Both occupants were uninjured apart from a few scratches. The instructor was sat in the front cockpit where both the altimeter and airspeed indicator (ASI) were unserviceable, and his seating position meant that he had difficulty seeing the strut-mounted ASI and he did not have a clear forward view to offer appropriate instruction to the pilot flying (PF). This information was not communicated to the PF, nor were the PF’s own concerns communicated to the instructor before or during the flight. As a consequence, several opportunities were lost, both on the ground and in the air, to discuss these before commencing or continuing the flight.

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DH82A Tiger Moth, G-ANMO 05-22

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Published 12 May 2022