AAIB investigation to DH82A Tiger Moth, G-EMSY

Flipped inverted on landing, Old Sarum Airfield, 15 May 2015.


The purpose of the flight was for the part-owner of the aircraft to renew his SEP (Single Engined Piston) rating. He was seated in the rear seat and the instructor was seated in the front. After a flight of about an hour’s duration, they returned to Old Sarum and the rear seat pilot carried out a touch-and-go landing. He flared the aircraft somewhat too high, causing it to bounce on touchdown. He continued with the manoeuvre, opened the throttle and attempted to rotate into a climbing attitude, but was unable to prevent a nose-down pitching moment which developed instead. The propeller and the nose struck the ground and the aircraft flipped over inverted. The instructor vacated first and assisted the rear seat pilot to do likewise; both were unhurt.

The two pilots suspected that a sudden gust of wind may have lifted the tail, causing the accident.

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DH82A Tiger Moth, G-EMSY 09-15

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Published 10 September 2015