AAIB investigation to Dragon Chaser, G-CHNP

Crashed in a field near Pitsford Water, Northamptonshire, 31 October 2015.


The aircraft, a flex-wing microlight, was flying low near Pitsford Water, a reservoir, in benign weather conditions. It turned and descended, hit the ground and somersaulted, sustaining damage. First aid was administered to the pilot, but he had been fatally injured. Some witnesses recalled hearing the aircraft’s engine, and some believed its tone had changed or it had ceased. The investigation identified that the conditions were suitable for carburettor icing to have occurred, and that the field into which the aircraft crashed would have been suitable for a forced landing, but no specific cause of the accident was identified.

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Dragon Chaser, G-CHNP 08-16

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Published 11 August 2016