AAIB investigation to Eurofox 912(S), G-CHUP

Runway excursion on landing, near Hay-on-Wye, Powys, 2 September 2014.


The aircraft was landing at a private grass airstrip when the accident occurred. The airstrip was orientated 06/24 and was 750 m long by 30 m wide. On-line information available to pilots using the airstrip identified 11 kVA power cables which ran across the 06 threshold and parallel to the northern edge of the runway.

The pilot overflew the airstrip and, with a surface wind from the north-east at 2 or 3 kt, decided to land in a north-easterly direction. The aircraft drifted to the left during the landing roll and the left wing struck a pole supporting the power cables. The aircraft yawed to the left through 270° and came to a stop. Although there was some damage to the cockpit area, the two occupants were uninjured and able to vacate through the doors.

The pilot considered that the accident had occurred because he had allowed the aircraft to drift to the left and had not seen the cables. He thought that the left brake may have been applying more brake pressure, despite the application of a symmetrical braking effort.

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Eurofox 912(S) G-CHUP 12-14

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Published 16 December 2014