AAIB investigation to Mudry Cap 10B, G-BXBU

Loss of control during diversion in poor weather, Lower Colley Farm, Buckland St Mary, Somerset, 12 August 2021.


The pilot found himself stuck above cloud during a cross-country flight under Visual Flight Rules. After contacting the Distress & Diversion Cell for assistance he was transferred to the radar frequency of a nearby airport, at which the cloud base was below the minimum required for the approach offered. The pilot, who was not qualified to fly in cloud, lost control of the aircraft during the subsequent descent and the aircraft was destroyed when it hit a tree. Both occupants were fatally injured.

The investigation found that air traffic service providers did not obtain or exchange sufficient information about the aircraft and its pilot to enable adequate assistance to be provided. There was an absence of active decision making by those providers, and uncertainty between units about their respective roles and responsibilities.

Seven Safety Recommendations are made to address shortcomings identified in the provision of air traffic services in an emergency.

Download the report:

Mudry Cap 10B, G-BXBU 06-23

Safety Recommendations document:

G-BXBU Safety Recommendation Document

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Published 27 April 2023