AAIB investigation to Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, G-OROD

Runway excursion and nose-over, Old Sarum Airfield, Wiltshire, 29 August 2016.


After applying full power for takeoff the pilot realised that the aircraft was not accelerating normally and abandoned the takeoff. The aircraft began to turn to the right, which could not be corrected by the pilot’s use of opposite rudder and differential braking, and the aircraft left the side of the runway. In order to avoid a collision with other aircraft the pilot applied full braking on both wheels, which resulted in the aircraft pitching onto its nose. The pilot attributed the incident to the right brake unit “binding on”.

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Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub, G-OROD 12-16

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Published 8 December 2016