AAIB investigation to Piper PA-28-140, G-BCJN

Unsuccessful go-around, Cotswold Airport, Gloucestershire, 4 August 2022.


During an attempted go-around the aircraft veered left from the runway track. The instructor was unable to establish a climb and the aircraft touched down approximately 350 m from the end of the runway, tracking approximately perpendicular to the left of the runway track. As the aircraft touched down it passed between two parked, out of use, airliners and its right wing tip struck the nose landing gear of one of the parked aircraft. The outer portion of the right wing was severed and the aircraft continued across the grass. It passed through the airfield perimeter fence, crossed the A429 road and came to rest in a ditch adjacent to the road.

There had been a confused handover of control between student and instructor that meant the go-around actions were not completed effectively. This resulted in the aircraft flying at very low height at an airspeed that was probably below the minimum power speed, leaving it with insufficient power to climb away.

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Piper PA-28-140, G-BCJN 04-23

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Published 23 March 2023