AAIB investigation to Piper PA-34-220T Seneca V, G-OXFF

Rudder cable melted and parted due to an electrical short, Oxford Airport, 2 November 2018.


The aircraft was about to enter the runway for takeoff when the instructor became concerned about the feel of the left rudder pedal. He aborted the flight and taxied the aircraft back to the hangar. The subsequent engineering inspection found the left rudder cable had parted, with evidence that it had melted through due to chafing against the standby battery cable. Safety actions have been taken by the Civil Aviation Authority and the manufacturer has issued a mandatory Service Bulletin (No 1337) to reroute the emergency power wiring to give more clearance from the rudder cables.

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Piper PA-34-220T Seneca V, G-OXFF 05-19

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Published 9 May 2019