AAIB investigation to Robinson R44 Clipper I, G-CLIO

Hard landing in field, private landing site, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, 17 December 2020.


A downwind ‘out-of-ground-effect’ transition resulted in overpitching of the main rotor. The subsequent reduction of rotor rpm caused a rapid increase in descent rate and a loss of tail rotor authority. The pilot was unable to react in time to prevent a turning, descending flight path and the helicopter impacted the ground causing substantial damage.

Safety Sense Leaflet 17 – ‘Helicopter Airmanship’, published by the CAA and Safety Notice SN-42 – ‘R44 Pilot’s Operating Handbook’, published by the Robinson Helicopter Company contain relevant safety advice to prevent this type of accident. A safety course is also available from the Robinson Helicopter Company for rated pilots.

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Robinson R44 Clipper I, G-CLIO

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Published 8 July 2021