AAIB investigation to Scottish Aviation Bulldog, G-BZMD

Aircraft failed to climb after takeoff and struck the airfield boundary hedge, Slinfold Airfield, West Sussex, 22 March 2018.


After identifying some areas of soft ground on the runway, the pilot decided to use a “short-field” takeoff technique, starting from a hardstanding at the end of the runway. The pilot reports that the aircraft accelerated normally until it passed over an area of soft ground, when the acceleration decreased. At the required airspeed the pilot carried out a “gentle” rotation and the aircraft became airborne. Shortly afterwards there was a noticeable reduction in the aircraft’s airspeed and the stall warning system operated. The aircraft descended slowly to a height of approximately 3 ft above the runway and struck a hedge at the end of the airfield. The aircraft remained upright and came to rest in a field 15 meters beyond the hedge, with severe damage. The reason for the loss of airspeed could not be determined.

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Scottish Aviation Bulldog, G-BZMD 09-18

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Published 13 September 2018