AAIB investigation to Taylor Monoplane, G-BRUO

Loss of control during takeoff, Fishburn Airfield, County Durham, 21 June 2022.


The accident happened during takeoff on Runway 26 at Fishburn Airfield with reported CAVOK weather conditions and a 5 kt northerly wind. The pilot reported “extremely poor” forward visibility so was referencing the side of the runway during the initial part of the takeoff. He applied full throttle and, once there was sufficient speed, the tail came up providing him with better visual cues. At this point, the pilot realised he was heading right of his intended direction and believes that he over-corrected in both directions. The final deviation was to the right when he became “just about airborne”. He tried to fly out of the situation but had insufficient height and speed. He flew into the corn field to the north of the runway and stated that, as soon as the wheels touched the corn, the aircraft overturned and came to rest on top of him. The pilot sustained a fractured vertebra. In hindsight, he believes he should have closed the throttle and abandoned the takeoff earlier.

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Taylor Monoplane, G-BRUO 10-22

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Published 13 October 2022