Avro RJ100, G-BZAW, 5 February 2009

Avro RJ100, G-BZAW


After landing, the flight crew felt a judder from the nosewheel during a 180° turn on the runway and the judder returned intermittently during the taxi-in. The aircraft was stopped to allow a visual inspection which identified that the left nosewheel was no longer properly attached. The passengers and crew were disembarked normally. Investigation of the damaged parts identified that the outer bearing of the left nosewheel had failed due to the roller cage becoming trapped. It is not possible to say which of the two potential causes led to the failure. Whilst no recommendations are made, this event is a reminder of the importance of following manufacturer’s procedures to correctly inspect and install all aircraft wheel bearings.

Download report:

Avro RJ100, G-BZAW 06-09.pdf (308.46 kb)

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