Beagle Wallis WA-116/F, G-ATTB, 18 May 2006

Beagle Wallis WA-116/F, G-ATTB


The pilot reported that the wind was from 250º at 24 kt gusting 32 kt. After takeoff from a playing field the pilot initially climbed to200 ft agl before turning downwind for a “farewell pass.” While downwind, at cruising power, the pilot felt a sinking feeling and the aircraft began to loose height. At this point he was downwind of a wood. He quickly turned left into wind and applied full power in a bid to arrest the rate of descent and regain height. The descent continued, “like a lift”, until the aircraft crashed on the playing field, where it hit a small set of football goal posts. The pilot vacated the aircraft uninjured. Damage was sustained to the aircraft’s nose nacelle, rudder, fin, aft keel tube and propeller. The engine was also shock loaded. The pilot believes this accident was caused by a localised downdraught as a result of a large gust of wind blowing over the adjacent wood that continued to ground level.

Download report:

Beagle Wallis WA-116 F, G-ATTB.pdf (246.28 kb)

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