Bell 206L-3 Longranger III, G-LVDC, 8 July 2012

Bell 206L-3 Longranger III, G-LVDC


While taking off, the helicopter’s low rotor rpm warning horn sounded. The pilot entered autorotation and carried out a forced landing into a field. Having landed, lowered the collective and closed the throttle, the pilot re-opened the throttle and lifted into the hover, watching the engine gauges. All appeared normal and the pilot flew on to his destination.

Following the flight, damage was discovered on the vertical fins and main rotor blades. This was linked to the forced landing. No fault was found with the engine, fuel, fuel system or associated controls.

Download report:

Bell 206L-3 Longranger III G-LVDC 11-12.pdf (263.79 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014