Cessna 172C, G-ARYK, 4 November 2004

Cessna 172C, G-ARYK


Following a local flight, the pilot prepared, about 1654 hrs, for an approach to Runway 03 at Lydd Airport. Official sunset was 1630 hrs which, together with a reported cloud cover estimated to be about 3 oktas, resulted in degraded visual conditions for the landing. On the day of the accident, work was being carried out at the start of Runway 03. This displaced the threshold of the runway by 500 metres and the area of work in progress (WIP) was indicated by a series of red blocks, followed by a line of black cones (with reflective strips), across the runway. In addition, the runway lighting had been reduced, with illuminated edge lights commencing some distance beyond the line of black cones. The WIP had been communicated in a NOTAM. As the pilot approached the runway he became away of the line of red blocks but, due to the reduced visibility of dusk and a partially cloudy sky, he did not see the line of black cones until he was close to touchdown. As he landed, the right main wheel contacted one of the cones, causing the cone to be flung upward and rearward, which then struck and dented the leading edge of the right horizontal stabiliser. The aircraft did not sustain any further damage and no injuries were suffered by the pilot or passenger. The pilots most recent flight was at Lydd in May 2004.

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Published 10 December 2014