Cessna 172S, G-CCTT, 26 September 2004

Cessna 172S, G-CCTT


After touchdown off a normal approach, the aircraft bounced and climbed rapidly. The pilot applied nose-up elevator control, but this failed to prevent a second bounce, during which the nose wheel contacted the runway heavily. He then applied power and executed a go-around. Weather conditions at the time were good, with the wind at 020º/03 kt. On the subsequent approach, the flaps failed to operate when selected and a flapless landing was completed without incident. In the pilot’s opinion, the bounce had been caused by a combination of the upslope of the runway and the flaps possibly failing to fully extend. However, the flaps must have operated at some point during the go-around, as they were fully retracted prior to commencing the second approach. Recommended practice following a bounce is to either go-around, or (runway length permitting) relax the back pressure on the stick and if necessary applying power, to reposition the aircraft to recommence the landing.

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