Dornier 28 D2 Turbo Skyservant, HA-ACO, 24 June 2006

Dornier 28 D2 Turbo Skyservant, HA-ACO


The aircraft had completed a parachute lift and was on short finals to runway 26. The pilot set the propeller pitch to flight beta. The aircraft was getting too low as it approached the threshold so the pilot deselected flight beta, and the aircraft then ballooned upward slightly. Once over the threshold flight beta was again selected causing the aircraft to sink more rapidly than the pilot expected, and the aircraft touched down before the high sink rate could be arrested. The subsequent hard landing damaged the right wheel hub and the right wing stub was over-stressed.

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Dornier 28 D2 Turbo Skyservant, HA-ACO 11-06.pdf (322.59 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014