EV-97 TeamEurostar UK, G-CEDV, 20 June 2011

EV-97 TeamEurostar UK, G-CEDV


The aircraft joined a right hand circuit pattern for grass Runway 11 at a private landing strip. The runway was 350 m in length and 45 ft (14 m) wide. On each side of the runway was a standing crop of oilseed rape, some 4 ft high. The surface wind was light and variable in direction, mainly along the runway or slightly from the right. The approach and touchdown were reported as normal. When the nosewheel was on the ground, the pilot applied the brakes but, as the speed reduced, the aircraft drifted to the left. The pilot was looking ahead along the runway and did not appreciate the proximity of the vegetation to his left. The left wing made contact with the crop and the aircraft immediately slewed round to the left. Its nose entered the crop and the engine stopped. There was a small drop at the edge of the runway by the cultivated area and, as the aircraft crossed this, damage was caused to the right main landing gear and the right wing. The pilot and his passenger, who were both wearing full shoulder harnesses, were uninjured and vacated the aircraft unaided after it had been shutdown.

Download report:

EV-97 TeamEurostar UK, G-CEDV 10-11.pdf (245.19 kb)

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