Gemini Flash IIA, G-MVGM, 31 July 2011

Gemini Flash IIA, G-MVGM


After an uneventful local flight, the pilot landed back at Cromer Airfield on grass Runway 22. The landing was reported as smooth but, as the speed reduced, the trike veered to the left. This, and the corrective action, set up an oscillation resulting in the aircraft tipping onto its left side and nose at an estimated speed of between 10 and 15 mph. Both pilot and passenger, wearing a lap strap and full harness respectively and both wearing helmets, were uninjured.

The pilot considered that, given the low speed, the option not to correct the initial turn to the left and to allow the aircraft to run into the adjoining stubble field may have been better. He also reported that a subsequent examination of the trike did not find any pre-existing failures but that general levels of wear may have contributed to the event.

Download report:

Gemini Flash IIA, G-MVGM 12-11.pdf (227.96 kb)

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