Jodel D117, G-AZKP, 14 September 2013

Jodel D117, G-AZKP


The pilot had visited the destination airstrip on numerous occasions in a variety of different aircraft. The weather was fine, with a generally light south-westerly wind. The pilot observed that the flag on the tower of Blair Atholl Castle, near the destination airstrip, was completely slack so he elected to land in a westerly direction. The approach was made at 45 kt and the touchdown was normal. Suspecting the grass to be wet, the pilot allowed the aircraft to decelerate, initially without braking. At first the aircraft rolled straight down the middle of the strip. When the brakes were finally applied, it swung to the right and the pilot was unable to correct it using left rudder and brake. Realising that the aircraft was going to leave the mown strip, he shut down the engine and continued to apply left brake. The aircraft left the strip about 70 metres short of the end and the right mainwheel entered a ditch obscured by long grass.

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Jodel D117, G-AZKP 04-14.pdf (132.85 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014