P and M Quik GT450, G-CDTO, 26 June 2010
P and M Quik GT450, G-CDTO
The pilot reported that, following a glide approach to Runway 09 at Perth, the microlight landed normally. However, on touchdown the front forks of the nose landing gear collapsed, allowing the nosewheel to fold rearwards. The aircraft continued to slide along the runway for approximately 20 metres before coming to rest; the pilot then announced to Perth Radio that G-CDTO was unable to clear the runway, turned off the electrical master switch and climbed out of the aircraft. The reported wind was 090/12 kt. Both the pilot, and an instructor/co-owner who observed the landing, considered the touchdown normal. The owners have undertaken to send the front forks to the aircraft manufacturer, to examine the fracture for evidence of pre-existing damage.
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