Pilatus PC-12/45, Beech B200GT King Air, M-YBLS M-SYGB, 10 January 2014

Pilatus PC-12/45, M-YBLS and Beech B200GT King Air, M-SYGB


When the pilot of M-YBLS carried out his external inspection of the aircraft, he noted that there was a Beech King Air parked on its left. His aircraft was normally parked parallel to adjacent aircraft but, on this occasion, it was parked with the nose pointing 45º to the left of the parallel heading. Having completed his checks and started the engine, he was cleared to taxi for the runway. As normal, he taxied straight ahead and the left wingtip of his aircraft contacted the right wingtip and aileron of the King Air. The AFISO informed the pilot of the collision and he stopped the aircraft.

The pilot’s assessment of the cause of the incident was that this was the first occasion in 16 years that his aircraft had been parked at a 45º angle to an adjacent aircraft. Having realised this during his external inspection, he should have instructed the ground crew to reposition his aircraft parallel to the other aircraft or asked them to marshal him out of the parking area. By following his normal routine and not monitoring the wingtip, the collision occurred.

Download report:

Pilatus M-YBLS and Beech M-SYGB 06-14.pdf (134.42 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014