Pioneer 200-M, G-WEFR; Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-VORN and Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-ZZAC, 23 June 2010

Pioneer 200-M, G-WEFR, Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-VORN and Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-ZZAC


Knockbain Farm Airstrip has a 650 m long, 15 m wide grass runway, orientated 08/26. The weather at the time of the accident was CAVOK with a light southerly wind; the grass surface was wet from previous rain. The pilot decided to land on Runway 26, which has an upslope of 6% for the first 100 m, a level section of about 100m and then a 3% down slope for the remaining 450 m. The aircraft touched down on the level section before veering off the right side of the runway, about 200 m from the end. There is a slight downslope from the runway to the apron area, which is on the north side about 40m from the runway centreline. The aircraft struck two parked, unmanned aircraft on the apron, G-VORN and G-ZZAC, at an estimated speed of 15-20 mph, before stopping. The pilot appeared uninjured and was able to dismantle and store his aircraft. Subsequently he was diagnosed with broken ribs, which is classified as a serious injury. It was reported that all three aircraft were damaged. The pilot concluded that the loss of control after landing was due to the down slope on the runway and the wet grass conditions.

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Pioneer 200-M, G-WEFR and G-VORN and G-ZZAC 09-10.pdf (289.95 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014